Compare Modernism And Ww1

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Both World Wars had a great impact on writers and the stories they wrote for American Literature. The stories changed and took a different approach after the war and new characters were created. In some cases, old characters were recreated and made to fit the new values and beliefs. With each passing of a war, writers wanted to create a new style of writing that would answer public concern. World War I began in 1914 and lasted till 1945, which had the biggest shift in thinking. This war introduced Modernism and was known as the age of reason and logic. On the other hand, World War II began in 1945 and introduced Post Modernism in literature. America had not seen a war like this before and several cultures were brought together. In order to compare both wars, it is important to look at the concerns of the public and the author’s response. World War I was known as the boy’s war because young college men mainly fought. During this period, the concern was experimentation and creating a new style of writing. Writers realized that the world was spinning out of control and they had to find a way to impose order. This would be the best way to impose meaning and give the public a feeling of reassurance. A few characteristics of Modernist writing is the experimentation of form, criticizing industrialism, …show more content…

This gave him insight on what to write and how to approach the concept. However, he has a style of writing that makes him a misread writer. His writing can include violence, crime, world of failures, and even nothingness. Hemingway believed that in this world things will go wrong eventually, and it will break you. The only way to live in a world where everything will go wrong is to live like there are forces beyond control. Thus, he created the Hemingway hero, which knew how to impose order in this chaotic world. Hemingway is constantly trying to make his writing perfect to reflect this

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