Workplace Observation Paper

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When I first met Manager B, I was very intimidated by her, after getting to know her I realized that she is the most cordial and approachable manager on staff. Given that she is approachable, she has encountered many issues that she must deal with. Manager A has more of a passive aggressive way to solve problems and has a two-faced demeanor. He will tell the person who is complaining what they want to hear. This results in him having blind spots in the workplace because he is unable to confront the real problems and has a passive aggressive leadership. I have learned that even if the conversation is difficult, it will be much more beneficial in the end to be upfront with everyone and tell it how it is. I believe that Manager B holds her own and …show more content…

She is forced to have uncomfortable conversations at times. For most students, they have not had many jobs before this one, or the jobs they did have were not professional, or for whatever reason they are not aware of some rules this job entails. She has had conversations with students regarding their cleanliness and work attire. One discussion was with a foreign male relating to his body odor, he continuously came in smelling terrible, in a workplace environment where you are making and selling food, that is inappropriate. I believe she handled the situation in the correct manner, as it can be a sensitive subject. She also addresses issues of appropriate attire, girls will come in with leggings on where you can see their underwear through and she must talk to them about that. Also, there has been cases where girls would not wear bras to work, which was completely inappropriate. Working with food, anyone with long hair must either wear a hat or a hair net, that rule was not enforced for a substantial amount of time and finally, we had to sign a petition promising that we will always wear appropriate headwear in the workplace, I am unsure who actually implemented

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