Jordan Interview Paper

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Jordan interviewing for a part-time job at a fast food restaurant would need to leave a positive impression to the interviewer so that he can get hired for the job. For the interview, there are a couple of traits that Jordan will want to display to the interviewer to show that he has a good personality. First and foremost, he needs to display the characteristics of an extroverted person. British psychologist Hans Eysenck proposed a model of universal source trait which includes the introversion-extroversion dimension and the neuroticism-emotional stability dimension. In the extroversion dimension, a person high on the extraversion scale directs his energies outward toward the environment and other people and would be more outgoing and sociable, …show more content…

In this stage, the person will try to figure his identity and develop a sense of self. The person may feel confused or insecure about himself or how he fits in society. He may experiment with different roles, activities, and behaviors that help point him to the direction where he can establish a sense of self. External influences such as family, friends, and the general public all help shape and form his identity. If he is supported by these people, he will develop a strong sense of self and a feeling of independence and control. He will also develop fidelity, which is the ability to relate to others and form genuine relationships. On the other hand, if the person isn’t supported by those people, he will remain unsure of his beliefs and desires as well as remain confused and insecure about himself. In order for Jordan to attain a positive resolution, he will have to find his identity through social interactions and by experimenting the different roles, activities, and behaviors. This way, he’ll end up developing a strong sense of self and he will be able to relate to and form genuine relationships with other. If not he will remain feeling confused and insecure about his place in …show more content…

There are two types: internal and external. People who have an internal locus of control base their success on their own work and believe they control their life. People who have an external locus of control attribute their success or failure to outside influences that are beyond their control. If Jordan has a high degree of internal locus of control, he may say that the effort he puts into his work has gotten him to this point where he is being interviewed for the job. If he has an external locus of control, he may say that some sort of outside influence such as luck, got him to the position to which he is being interviewed for the job. Jordan also needs to be a fully functioning person. A fully functioning person has a flexible, constantly evolving self-concept. He is realistic, open to new experiences, and capable of changing in response to new experiences. He is also creative and spontaneous and is able to enjoy harmonious relationships with others. Therefore, Jordan needs to show the interviewer that his sense of self is consistent and that he is able to adapt to new experiences and easily gets along with others in the

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