Workbook And The Case Study Of An Ethical Dilemma In Social Work

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This paper will evaluate and analyze an ethical dilemma that was presented in the textbook and the Case Study #1 that will be evaluated for this assignment. The questions that will be answered include what are the ethical dilemmas in the case and are these legitimate concerns for the social worker. In addition, when evaluating and analyzing the ethical dilemma in this case study it is necessary to look at why the social worker is worried about reporting newborns and why she feels that there are injustices and discrimination that come from these policies. Furthermore, as a social worker in this agency I would respond by figuring out what could be done in this situation and what courses of action could be done to change the injustices in the …show more content…

In addition, other codes could apply besides the ones listed above and a social worker needs to follow the rules and regulations and comply with the law. The social worker may be facing an ethical dilemma because of what she perceives as injustices within the law, however, her personal feelings cannot interfere with what needs to be done which is complying with the law. In order to make changes within the system a social worker’s ethical responsibilities include making changes in society to help their clients and these include codes “6.01 Social Welfare, 6.02 Public Participation, 6.03 Public Emergencies and 6.04 Social and Political Action” (NASW, 2015). Furthermore, a social worker needs to examine the laws within the state they live in and beware of them concerning the family cap policies because several states have repealed these laws such as “California, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Wyoming” and others may have changed the law. (Wiltz, 2016) In addition, the laws in Indiana “do have caps on no extra benefits, Indiana provides a voucher worth up to half of the benefit increase, …show more content…

Are these legitimate concerns? Why or why not? These are legitimate concerns because the cap laws were put in place to supposedly “reduce the birthrates among welfare recipients, discouraging a woman from becoming a welfare queen a term suggesting that a woman has more babies to get more money from the state” however, research has shown that denying a woman benefits has not prevented them from having children. (Steinmetz, 2016) In addition, “Research by the Urban Institute and a study published in the Harvard Journal of Law & Gender both found that family caps are harmful to children and their health, trapping them in poverty” (Steinmetz, 2016). As a result, many states are repealing the laws because they are not working and causing more harm than good because children do not have health insurance and it is not the answer for alleviating the issue of poverty. Furthermore, family cap laws are not just one of the problems with welfare policies that need to be looked at because other policies such as the welfare work requirements have problems because they do not include college courses as part of the work choices and as a result, this hurts single-parent families who are trying to go back to college to get a degree to get

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