Work Experience Essay

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Work Experience Essay

Work Experience, three weeks of pain and suffering, which turned me

from a school boy into a grown man, was it for good or just an ordeal

that never should have taken place? You decide…

My torment began early Wednesday morning my daily schedule involved

meeting my supervisor. This not only petrified me but also my work

colleagues. For the supervisor was no mere man. He was a huge sack of

revolting comments. He was a cold, harsh man who held no compassion

for his workers and besides all that he absolutely loathed me. For

reasons unknown to me, since day one, the supervisor had made me the

subject of all his jokes, his multitude of insults always seem to fall

upon me.

Walking down the dark pathways, climbing the stairs till I reached the

very top of the building, my heart seemed to drop an inch with every

step. I dreaded the encounter but it was unavoidable. I turned the

corner ready and willing to confront my fate.

Instantly I noticed the first of many different strange occurrences. I

entered the room and the whiff of cheap perfume hit my nostrils. The

room was a small dark area but sparse inhuman furniture made it look

larger. The room's personality matched that of its occupant. It was

cold, grey, dull and uninviting. Speaking of the occupant he was sat

in the middle of the room, in front of the desk. He was waiting for me

to take my seat. I did just that.

It wasn't long before the shrill voice the supervisor spoke in began

to speak. I was expecting a lecture on my late arrival but I didn't

receive that, instead I heard the supervisor utter words that I'd

never believe a creature of his postu...

... middle of paper ...

...ed, but I had not the strength to tell her so, she could

enjoy my babbling at another time, unfortunately dear readers, you do

not have the same luxury, but fear not I'm coming to the end of my

tale. Despite my cynicism and pessimistic view of life I knew I had

experienced the worst case tangle with the world of work but somehow

no matter how off-putting it seemed, I was rather excited at the

prospect of full time employment, which looms in front of me. Oh and

if you think I was serious in this concluding paragraph, you obviously

haven't listened to my work experience report properly and in that

case I'll start from the beginning…

Work Experience, three weeks of pain and suffering, which turned me

from a school boy into a grown man, was it for good or just an ordeal

that never should have taken place? You decide…

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