Word Collision: Christopher Columbus and The Taino Natives

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The swift sandy beaches of the Caribbean were once desolate and unknown rule by the natural habitat of Taino natives whose sole existence revolved around primitive nature. These Virgin Islands would be a critical and strategic discovery for the strengthening Spanish empire during the 15th century under the rule of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabel of Castile . On October 1492, a man by the name of Christopher Columbus would take the power of the Spanish crown to excellency and great dominion over the new world. The lives of both the natives and the Spaniards would be revolutionized and two completely different worlds would collide for the first time. The discovery of the New World was masked by preconceptions, ancient interpretations of scriptures, fantasizing what the unknown was supposed to look like. The initial greeting between the Spaniards and the natives was enthralled by culture, religion, and interpretations of the unknown up to Columbus time.
Cristoforo Colombo is the full name of the man who spent his entire life analyzing Ptolemaic maps, and studying navigation in preparation for his hope to discover the alternate path to the Indies. Columbus was born in Genoa Italy in 1451; he was the eldest of five sons and was expected to carry put family patronage. Columbus had a close relationship with both of his younger brothers Bartolomeo and Giacomo whom would take part in his navigation expertise towards the Indies. His father played a critical role in the opportunities that latter in Columbus’ life would help him advance as a merchant. Dominico Colombo, his father, brought up his sons in a humble environment working as a weaver and with a post as gatekeeper in a Genoese city-state and developed a close relationship with a lea...

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...am formed Africa. Hence, the existence of Africa, Asia, and Europe after the flood denoted the religious ideals of the consistency of the world and humankind (Schedel P. XIIIr). The Nuremberg Chronicles and Columbus’ curious nature would change humanity and question the existence of mankind like never before.

Works Cited

Cocciardi , M. "Our Heritage at its Best." Retrospect Quarterly , Spring 1997.

Columbus, Christopher. Carta. Letter. Spain. USC Doheny Library. March 1993.

Schedel , Hartmann. Liber Chronicarum. Nuremberg: Gutenberg, 1943.

Symcox, Geoffrey , and Blair Sullivan. Christopher Columbus and the Enterprise of the Indies
Boston: Stratford Publishing Services , 2005.

UNESCO, "World Digital Library: The Nuremberg Chronicles." Last modified November 15,2013. Accessed March 25, 2014. http://www.wdl.org/en/item/4108/.

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