Women's Suffrage Scene Analysis

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Alice and Lucy both want to take part in the women’s suffrage movement. They gather many women to participate in their parade about equality, but the all of the men get mad at the parade and it turns into a violent event. Many men think women don’t need to vote because the men have it under control, and all the women need to do is take care of the children. When the women protest they get arrested and put in jail even though they didn’t break a law. Alice stays strong through the whole thing and is determined to change the minds of men and win equality for women.

The main conflict in the film is that they women aren’t treated equal to men. They whole point of the parade was for attention to be drawn to equality for women, but what the parade actually does is show all the men who don’t think equality is needed. Almost all of the men in the film think equality is not needed, or they don’t know why the women are fighting …show more content…

I also think the part where they were force fed was accurate because the men didn’t understand why this was so important and they thought the women were going crazy.
A scene that I think is not accurate is when Alice decides to go to dinner with Ben because I don’t think a women fighting for women's equality would get caught up with a love interest. I think what really happened was the women were able to get into the new paper without having to go to dinner with a man. I think the film only has the love story to make the film more appealing to the audience.
Another scene that I think is inaccurate is when the film showed that man working and then the woman staring at the man. I don’t think this is accurate because I think the women would have been too caught up in the movement. I think that might have happened in real life, but it was put in the movie to make the character feel more modern like women

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