Women's Struggle for Equal Rights in the Play, Trifles by Susan Gaspell

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A trifle is an article or thing of very little value. For years, women have struggled for equal rights. The right to be heard, the right for her opinion to have meaning and value. This is evident in this play as it is evident in today’s society. During the time this play was written in 1916, women did not have the right to vote. Women fought for the right to vote just as they are still forced to fight for rights of the women today, and one such right would be the right for equal pay when doing the same job as a man. The struggles for equal rights for women were evident in this play just as they are evident today. One of the most obvious examples is how the women were treated at the beginning of the play. They are left in the kitchen while the men go upstairs to look for evidence. The men viewed the kitchen as a room for women and a room where only women belong. The Sheriff proved that when he made the statement that there is nothing here but “kitchen things” (Glaspell 662). In saying this he gives the audience the impression that this room was a room of little importance and that nothing of any value exist in the kitchen. Women who attempt to balance two jobs, the job and being a mother and the job of working in the outside community are often viewed as not being as committed to their job that they work outside of the home. It is often necessary for a mother to leave work to take care of a sick child and when she does this she is frowned upon in the community of the working world. It gives her employer the impression that she is not committed to her job because outside distractions are interfering with production. Employers do not see that fact that she has contributed countless hours. They only see the time that she is away fro... ... middle of paper ... ...he better person for a particular job. This should be rewarded by compensating her with the same pay that a man would receive if he had these qualifications. Spousal abuse, is another thing as women we all struggle with in one way or another whether it is directly or indirectly. This is also something as women we must also all strive to improve. Women are continually working to improve their quality of life whether it is by achieving a better education to qualify us for the top paying jobs or just putting in the necessary hours to prove we are qualified to do a job. Either way we must conscientiously work hard to continue to strive for more. Better yet, we as women must demand equal pay, and help to stop the violence. As women we cannot turn our backs on other women just because the situation is not pleasant. In doing this, lives will begin to change for the better.

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