Analysis Of The Luncheon

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I did enjoy the essay, but the fact it was so long was one of the things that killed my enjoyment of the essay. I can 't complain though because the more I read, the more interested I became with her thoughts as she evaluated society and the roles men and women had throughout her time period I like how she came to the conclusion that she was able to accept the way men and women think wasn 't their fault but society 's upbringing. so by the end of chapter one she realizes that maybe the effect of society and tradition long before her time had a important impact on the way writers once thought and how her life might of been different if women had more freedom back when they could not have any legal property rights. which then imposes on her that women do not have any accomplishments to compare to that would inspire the next generation to come. she arrives at this conclusion by thinking about the luncheon she was at earlier and comparing it to the one at the all women 's college. how similar and different the two were and why they had these similarities and differences.
I would like to answer her question by saying that all I can do is guess that there was little to no books written by women …show more content…

they would have nothing to compare their strengths nothing to show that their strength is a strength. so without women to be here to make a man feel like he is a superhero or whatever they would be as women were then merely nothing to look down upon. so taking all theses things in consideration women are really what have changed the world and what really have been the motivators of the world that is coming and become. In a way, we are just the idea and the men are the voice but which one really matters the voice or idea. without an idea there would be no voice to speak upon but without no voice there would be nobody to listen

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