Gender And Sexuality In Thailand Essay

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This research explores gender and sexuality in different geographical locations. Looking at these areas uncovers insight into the relationships between gender, sexuality and culture, family life, work life, socialization of individuals and institutions, globalization, capitalism and the interactions between these categories. This research includes the discussion of qualitative case study data which touches on attitudes, feelings and beliefs about experiences of gender and sexuality in Thailand and in the UK. Reviewing previous literature on a variety of conceptions of gender and sexuality from a British (or ‘Western’ perspective) alongside literature on gender and sexuality in Thailand provides an insight into some of the above areas. I have presented, discussed and evaluated a variety of secondary sources including interviews and qualitative research case studies which provide data on these topics mainly from the field of Anthropology but also from other areas of Social …show more content…

My findings outline respondent’s beliefs and experiences regarding their own gender and sexual journeys, illustrating links to popular theories such as social constructivism, binary oppositions, gender inequality and development in a Thai context.


This project explores the intersection between conceptions of gender, sexuality and their relationship with cultures of different countries. My research aims and objectives are to explore 1) conceptions of about gender and sexuality in relation to identity. I aim to look at where identity and sexual orientation is realised or explored in relation to the social world. I will particularly look at religion, community life, media, work/labour, family

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