Women Empowerment Case Study

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INTRODUCTION In any country the development planning has always focussing on removing inequalities in the process of development by recognizing that women lag behind due to several socio economic, cultural and political factors .In India, five year plans have been paying more attention to women’s welfare, female education, and their access to resources and empowerment. As a result with the vibrant support of Reserve Bank of India, NABARD, SIDBI, and NGOs microfinance emerged as a giant in India .Microfinance is banking the unbankables, bringing credit, savings and other essential financial services to millions of people who are too poor to be served by regular banks. Self Help Group is a group consisting of members having similar socio-economic characteristics and they conduct meetings,collect a small amount as savings which helps in internal lending process. Moreover Self Help Group Bank Linkage Programme also serve the purpose of micro finance.Neighbourhood Groups or Ayalkootam or Kudumbashree is a subset of Self Help Groups which includes women having similar socio-economic setup and work jointly for the upliftment of whole members. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM In the path of women empowerment women’s access to …show more content…

The variable mutual help and cooperation was rated with the mean of 10.9 followed by participation in social work(9.8) followed by Awareness on Children education(9.6) followed by Independent and free movement(9.4) followed by standard of living(8.34) followed by poverty reduction (8.33) followed by free to express opinion(8.4)followed by happiness and peace in family(8.27) followed by health and sanitation(8.24) followed by decision making power(8.3) followed by self confidence(8.2) followed by asset creation(8.1) followed by enhancement of family income(8.07) followed by Inculcation habit of thrift(7.6) followed by courage(7.1) and self esteem(6.7) was ranked the

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