The Yellow Wallpaper Feminist Analysis

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During the 19th century, many women were oppressed in their everyday life. The oppression that many of these women had was not only limited to their house work but they were also oppressed with their health. “The Yellow Wallpaper” tells the story of Jane, a woman who tries to break free from the mental prison she is living in. Her husband, John secluded her from the people around her and took her to an isolated rental home so that her health could become better. As the days went on, Jane being isolated and the lack of power that Jane had led to the downfall of her insanity. The story “The Yellow Wallpaper” shows the reader the male-dominating role and also express the oppression females had, as well as using a feminist view to give the reader a better understanding of the story. The commencement of feminism began during the late 18th century and continued on through the 19th century. Feminism was a prominent case across the …show more content…

With foreshadowing, the reader is given hints, through the story, to point out what will happen towards the end of the story. Gilman lets the reader know that when she states “I can see strange, provoking, formless sort of figure that seems to skulk about behind that silly and conspicuous front design” (476). The reader is being given a clue at this point in the story of Jane’s significance of the wallpaper so that reader can begin to expect the ending of the story. Kerr states that “This is a startling image which occurs with no preamble and shows the increasingly disjointed movement of her thoughts” (1). When Jane becomes mentally ill at the end of the story, the reader is not completely surprised because Gilman indicated Jane mental breakdown through the story by using the wallpaper. Gilman’s use of foreshadowing lets the reader put together pieces of Jane’s mental breakdown, due to the oppression she was living

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