Walking Alone At Night Essay

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Fear in general drives human beings to be alert of the dangers surrounding us. A woman’s fear could easily be driven by a man just because he is simply a man. In our society we have painted the picture that as women we should be careful when we walk by ourselves at night and we should always be on alert with a weapon ready in hand. A recent study conducted in Canada proved that women were “three times more likely than men to be afraid when walking alone after dark.” (Women against Violence against Women, 2015). Though on one hand our mass media and culture have had an influence to stereotype men to play the “antagonist” when it comes to women walking home alone at night.

Women in general may have bad experiences with men and often categorized a man walking behind her as a threat to her. If she has a bad experience with abuse or sexual abuse in the past, verbal abuse from a man who has risen his voice or generally men of all ages, race or religions makes her feel uncomfortable. If anything no one especially talks about how women can also play the role of being the “antagonist” while walking alone at night. A man could feel the same way a woman could, if a woman …show more content…

For example, there could be a small town where everyone knows each other and live comfortably right. In this particular situation there could be one family of a minor race or religion living among a dominant race or religion and everyone could get along reasonably fine. While on the other hand, there could be a small town where the dominant race or religion discriminates or becomes prejudice against the minority race or religion in that town. This discrimination could be taught by their peers, family, the education system or even making a judgement of a person through what the media has stereotyped this certain group or

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