Wireless Medical Technology

1487 Words3 Pages


Innovations in technology has sky rocketed in the medical field. Incorporating these technologies systematically has lead to increased life span. Since time immemorial, struggle of humans to gain immortality has motivated them to explore different options that would give them longevity to the least if not immortality. Technology has come as an answer to humankind’s quest and has not disappointed us in any way.

Today Technology has broken all boundaries in healthcare. Non-invasive surgeries with aid of laser technology were still in its infancy when the prospect of complicated surgeries like that of brain and heart with the aid of nanotechnology using nanorobotics is ready to be born. There is another breakthrough in the form of live cell imaging, which can provide greater insight about the exact physiological environment of human cells and tissues. Syndromic surveillance is in vogue, in the public health informatics. It is used in systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of clinical syndromes. This surveillance of infectious diseases helps in formulating health policy and allows timely preventions of outbreaks. Many other technologies are thriving and many are in the incubators with promises to change the world of medicine for better.

Out of so many promising technologies, one that is quite fascinating with futuristic, long-term benefits in patient care is the wireless health technologies. I have selected this topic for my cutting edge technology paper because of the possibilities it offers in terms of prevention of serious health complications by timely monitoring of vital signs and in management of chronic conditions effectively. Thus, enabling the healthcare providers to provide necessary assistan...

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...rove both quality and quantity of life.


In my opinion, following are the recommendations for the wider spread of wireless health technology:

● High-level political and managerial decision from government and private sector

that can speed up the promotion and implementation of wireless health

technology in the mainstream healthcare system is required.

● Initiative must be taken to train the physicians, and their staff to use and

understand this technology in medicine.

● Legal, reimbursement method, ethical and issues of security must be defined and


Works Cited


- Health Care Unplugged: The Evolving Role of Wireless Technology, Richard Adler, ihealthreports

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