William Shakespeare's Macbeth

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William Shakespeare's Macbeth

The story of Macbeth on a purely literary level could be appreciated

as a fantastically dark story teeming with evil and uncertainty and

the blind ambition of a blood thirsty warrior. However one would have

to merely scratch the surface to discover that it is bursting with

periodical references to political and social foundations of

Shakespear's and James I era. Shakespeare's blend of the subliminal

political and social references compliment other ever present themes

also woven into the plot resulting in a rich tapestry of intrigue that

elevates the play from being just a totally fictitious story but also

a historical document that reflect the fears and beliefs of people of

the day.

To describe Macbeth the character as nothing more than a ruthless and

ambitious murderer would be a terrible misjudgement of his character.

Macbeth is portrayed as the tragic hero which is defined by his

sustained emotional conflict which at times boils over beyond self

restraint and begins to contaminate others with his moral awareness.

Macbeth's character and calibre are defined even before the audience

meets him. In act 1 scene 2 Macbeth is showered in glory and honour

acknowledging his finest qualities which he exercises on the battle

field "alls too weak, for brave Macbeth"(1,2,15-16). Duncan echos a

line similar to that of the witches in 1,1,67 "what he had lost noble

Macbeth hath won"(1,3,67). Macbeth is awarded for his gallantry and

undeniable virtues whilst defending the king's position. Macbeth makes

clear his respect for the king by pledging allegiance "doing

everything safe toward your love and honour"(1,4,27...

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... throughout the play have meant too much to anyone who has witnessed it

for it to be packaged as just a story. In 1606 'Macbeth' would have

been wielded as a political weapon defending the monarchy with regard

to the Gunpowder Plot. At the same time 'Macbeth' would glorify all

that is gracious and virtuous of monarchs as a result of Banquo's role

model type example and Duncan's elevation to martyrdom. On a more

personal level what one could say is that Shakespeare's greatest

achievement is that his style and subject of writing is as relevant

today as it is at any other point in history. 'Macbeth' the plot is

about treason; but Macbeth the story is about human endeavour to do

the right thing with conviction and the complete unravelling of our

moral and mental fibre if we breach the breaking point of our own


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