William Shakespeare's Macbeth

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William Shakespeare's Macbeth

In the story of MACBETH both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth experience the

luring shadow of temptation after Macbeth's unexpected meeting with

the witches at the beginning.

Through this tragic story, Macbeth makes a journey from good to evil,

but the question is was this put up on to himself or was it the evil

Lady Macbeth and her persuasive talk. Lady Macbeth during the play

makes huge evil inputs to cause Macbeth his fate. Her main input is

the first murder, after she has read the interesting but most evil of

letters from Macbeth (after his first encounter with the witches) she

wants him to come home quickly so she says " may pour my spirits in

thine ear." She knows of her husband weakness of mind at what the

witches have said to Macbeth so intends to persuade him " with the

valour of my tongue." Obviously learning from this Lady Macbeth seems

to use her evil that she has gathered to push Macbeth into this evil

deed. Is it all Lady Macbeth? How could just his wife push such an

overruling man into evil? She must have noticed something in his

behaviour that was in some way unusual. I feel that Lady Macbeth

notices this about Macbeth, when he shows an evil side when Malcolm is

announced heir of the throne, " For in my way it lies. Stars, hide

your frees, let not light see my black deep desires," " The eye wink

at the hand. Yet let that be, which the eyes fears when it is done to


Both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth seem to be alike as they are both filled

with evil but both believe that if they hide their deeds, heaven will

not judge. But Macbeth increasingly doubts the ideas of Lady Macbeth

she believes in what she is doing, so it becomes reality, "Stop up

th'access and passage to remorse" asking spirits.

Lady Macbeth seems to be the first mind overtaken by evil, but by her

own will and not the push of evil.

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