Macbeth Descriptive Writing

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It was my sophomore year at Life Christian Academy. My english class had been reading the story of Macbeth, a tragedy written by William Shakespeare. Each classmate was assigned a character. For the unlucky few they received the main characters; like Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, and the three witches. My heart went out to them. If I were put in the position of having to read pages upon pages of lines, I would be sobbing on the inside. The character that I had ben given was named Lennox, a Scottish nobleman. Even though his amount of lines had no compression to that of the main characters, I was still tariffed. As I put in my locker combo and gathered my supplies, I remembered that I had English next. My stomach turned when I picked up the book, Macbeth. As I sat down in my desk two rows over and one seat back, I peered out the long glass windows. The trees almost seemed unreal with there vibrant reddish orange, and little hints of yellow scattered about. My mined got lost in there beauty that almost seemed surreal. …show more content…

Rogers told the class. She was a short lady, coming up to about four feet five inches. Her hight had no effect on her personality and knowledge though. She was one of my favorite teachers in High School. She know so many random and helpful faces that heaped people with every day life. But when she spoke those words, her helpful hints could not save me. Immediately, I snapped back to fear. This fear I was feeling was not only because I had to read out loud, it was the fact that I am rarified of making mistakes. Throughout my life I had never been able to read, write, and spell like most of the other students in my

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