Metaphors In A Mid Summer Night's Dream And Twelfth Night

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A metaphor is the hidden comparison between two objects that do not necessarily relate. A simile is comparing two objects using “like” or “as”. William Shakespeare greatly uses these two aspects of literature to his advantage. He is a master at figurative language, and this is portrayed throughout his works. His literature would not be the same without both. Focusing on two of his plays, A Mid Summer Night’s Dream and Twelfth Night, there are two very prominent metaphors from each. In A Mid Summer Night’s Dream there is a metaphorical comparison between the magical love potion and young love. In Twelfth Night, there is a metaphorical comparison between loss and shipwreck. Young love seems to be driven mainly by hormones that are constantly
In this love square there is Hermia, Demetrius, Lysander, and Helena. Hermia is supposed to marry Demetrius, but she is in love with Lysander who loves her in return. Demetrius loves Hermia, but she does not love him back. Instead, her good friend Helena loves Demetrius. To mix up this love square, Oberon requests of Puck to find a special flower. When found and brought to Oberon, he uses the plant’s special use as magic. This plant is referred to as “love-in-idleness”. This flower has special juice that is then used as a love potion. Talking about the flower, Oberon
Without his language, writings would not be the same and would not have the same effects on the readers. Shakespeare is a master at using figures of speech. This makes his works as popular as they are today along with the help of his creativity. His inspirable use of metaphors are seen throughout his works, especially in A Mid Summer Night’s Dream and Twelfth Night. Comparing love and the love potion in A Mid Summer Night’s Dream helps readers understand and relate to the play. Likewise, the metaphor between loss and shipwreck is comparable in our lives as well. Shakespeare uses these literary skills to his advantage. This is most definitely a reason why his work is still popular

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