William Folding´s Lod of the Flies: The Influence of Mankind

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Golding makes it clear that evil is part of all humans through the discussion of the beast. Simon comes to a realization that evil is within themselves, not only in the boys on the island, but in everyone’s hearts, when he speaks to the Lord of the Flies. Lord of the Flies is never actually talking to Simon; Golding chooses to make Simon hallucinate in order to hear the voices of the boys altogether in Simon’s mind. The sow confronts Simon with the truth, he questions Simon: "You knew, didn't you? I'm part of you?” (Golding 143). The sow confirms the reality that the beast is without any regards within Simon as well as all the other boys. Although the beast is within the children, Golding never shows Simon to have any evil intentions. Instead he makes Simon deny the beast’s accusations and makes him pass out due to shock and confusion: “Simon found he was looking into a vast mouth. There was blackness within, a blackness that spread" (Golding 144). The sow’s head, or the Lord of the Flies, represents the evil found in the boys’ hearts and minds. Golding shows the sow’s head as a symbolic object. The head allowed Simon to understand and hear his inner thoughts about evil. Golding uses this conversation between the Lord of the Flies and Simon to fully demonstration that the “beast” is skulking inside of the boys and therefore being a natural essence of the boys, and mankind.
William Golding makes it clear by using Jack’s description and actions to show that evil is the natural essence of all mankind. As the story develops, Golding shows Jack to be selfish, violent and dishonest as he was driven "to violence … and able at last to hit someone” (Golding 71). Also, the description of Jack towards the end of the book reveals how deceivin...

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...e would receive chastisement for kicking sand into anyone’s eyes therefore leading him to apologize. There is no adult to punish Maurice for his wrongdoing, but he still feels guilt and begins to make up an excuse. As the violent side of Maurice appears, the reader should also notice why Golding makes Maurice act this way. Golding shows the violent side of Maurice because there are no rules or laws from stopping Maurice to act evil. Maurice, like all other humans, is trained to apologize for his actions but his inner “beast” is informing him that he will not receive a punishment for his actions. Therefore, Golding is showing that with no parents, rules, or laws, there is no one to stop Maurice, the other boys, or humans from committing an act of violence or evil. Golding argues that humans are able to and will perform acts of evil if there is no punishment involved.

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