Why spanking your child should not be illegal

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Has your child ever gotten so outta hand that you are not sure what to do? Have you tried reaching out for help and finding that there is NONE, not even the government? Well I think if all else fails that you should be able to discipline your children with a spanking and not having a huge consequence from the government who was not there by the way, as long as you are not putting your child in the hospital. As the Bible says “Spare the road, spoil the child” meaning in my opinion that if a child is not disciplined that they will grow into a spoiled little brat or worse some random nobody out here in the world!
What age do you think that a child should be spanked? Well I think that at the good old tender age of 1yrs a child should get there first spanking, now that doesn’t mean that you just hall out and beat a child no. At one a child gets into everything, exploring is what they do best they are just starting to learn how to walk and already crawling. If your one year old does something that is not okay how do you expect them to learn that there is a consequence for things just by saying “NO honey don’t do that”, yes you can give them a warning but after giving the first warning I believe that a good pop (two finger pop) on the child’s hand will let them know that they cannot or should not do that again. “A contributor for CNN named Roland Martin was spanked as a child and is now using the same disciplinary actions on his niece who now lives with him, Martin states “You may not like it, and that's fine, but it did the trick..” This is a reason why I believe spanking your child should not be illegal.
An appropriate method for spanking a child for people may be different, some may use belts others may use a open handed method, eith...

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...re the parents and I think that the decision should be left up to us on how “we” should discipline our children. “The key to effective child discipline is the implementation of immediate, powerful, and consistent consequences. A spanking can serve as a meaningful negative consequence in cases of undesirable behavior, but it tends to be most useful – and necessary – when a child is under 3 ½ years of age. Generally speaking, it’s our view that corporal punishment should be applied only in cases of willful disobedience or defiance of authority.”

Works Cited

(n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.cnn.com/2012/07/07/health/spanking-mental-illness-reaction/.
(n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.chastisewithlove.com/techniques.html.
(n.d.). Retrieved from http://family.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/25648/~/is-spanking-an-appropriate,-effective-method-of-discipline%3F.

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