Why childhood Obesity is Becoming serious Problem?

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Why childhood Obesity is Becoming serious Problem?
Obesity is a serious problem in the United States. Obesity may have serious effects on children, and childhood obesity affect them in their adulthood. Our family friend’s son is ten years old and at least twenty pounds overweight .When I saw him the first time, several questions arose in my mind about his overweight. Why does he become obese? What are the cause and effect of obesity? How does it show up at the symptom of obesity? They live close to my house and we frequently visit each other’s house. Therefore, I got a chance to monitor our friend’s son’s activities. He prefer to eats fast food, surgery, and junk food and he stay inside and plays video game .He does not want to involve in outdoor games such as, jumping and running. This lack of exercise and bad diet may be the reason of his overweight. Today, obesity is big issue in America and my friend also suffering from this problem, so I decided to explore all the harm that affect childhood obesity.
First, I needed to be defined obesity statistics. It is true that obesity is growing problem. Obesity is defined as being dangerously overweight. According to C.D.C report approximately 12.5 Million children and adolescents aged 2-19 years are obese. In 2011-2012 obesity was decreased from 13.9%to 8.4%.Obesity prevalence was higher among Hispanic group, 22.4%, non-Hispanic black yoth20.2%, non-Hispanic with youth14.1%, and Asian youth8.6%. C.D.C survey also found that mostly low income, preschool aged children are obese. I wonder, there is a relation between obesity and poverty because low income people have limited budget so, they try to spend less money for grocery. They visit a fast food restaurant and purchase less expen...

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...nu with calorie information. Michael Obama the first lady initiative to change eating and exercise habit in 10,000 child care centers around the country. This research shows now a day’s people are more concerned for their health. We can see, in the grocery store, people are carefully looking about their diet’s calories and healthy food.
Today obesity is a serious problem in the United States and its main causes may be poor nutrition, and lack of exercise. Genetic may also one of the reason of obesity. Government and many groups such as first lady Michelle Obama, New York City mayor are trying to reduce the obesity and launching a different types of program to support it .If our friend and other parents encouraged their children for healthy food regular exercise, and check up their children’s health regularly, w may reduce the childhood obesity rate in the future.

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