Bullying Movie Reflection

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As I already mentioned, there were a lot of bullies in the school when I was a middle school student. In my personal opinion, to learn how to fight with the bullies can play a complementary role in cultivation a mental fruition of a student. A lot of parents and teachers never teach how to fight against the bullies. They eagerly seek cooperative ties between ordinary students’ and bullies even though it is not possible. In this regard, I feel fairly confident in saying that I have identified the reason why we cannot sole the school violence. We just have imposed to stand the violence and harassments from bullies. It never can be a solution. The reason why I love this movie is that the director insists that if we want to solve the problem of bullies, we have to trash them within an inch of his life. We have to use violence to solve violence. It is because they cannot understand that to being harassed or assaulted is a really horrible and terrible experience until they will be experienced. Furthermore, they have to understand they are not leader, if they use just the violence. If they want to be a real leader, they have to have the leadership. …show more content…

He moved to the new school because of this father’s business, and there were two different bullies who were good fighters. They had always been rivals in a basketball game and fight. The hero became a deep friend among the two bullies. One day, the hero’s friend was defeated at a fight by another bully, thus the bully finally became the boss of the school without any rival. The bully perpetrated an outrage to ordinary students, so the hero decided to fight against him. His father was an owner of a taekwondo studio, so he stated to train in the studio. The hero far outpaced the bully on the amount of training. The training was necessary to shorten the revenge time frame for his

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