Why We Crave Horror Movies Essay

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Why We Crave Horror Movies We crave horror movies because of our curiousity of minds, the anatomy of the body, relief of security, how the brain and emotions work. We like to know how the human anatomy works. We sometimes wonder how the body looks like if something was broken or how gruesome it is. We have the urge to see it because we usually don’t experience it in real life. For example, when we watch “Wrong Turn” or “The Chainsaw Masacre”, these two films show the gruesomeness of humans being followed and tortured (i.e. body ripped open with a chainsaw or being cut open while still conscious). This is why when we watch parts like these we feel the pain and agony the person is in because we put ourselves in that position. Secondly, we …show more content…

For example, horror movies are the “ access [to] “the naked truth” hidden beneath the surface of the body, they could now see for themselves (aut-opsy) in anatomical theaters, museums of curiosities, and illustrations (von Hagens 15). Secondly, researchers have conducted how horror movies affect humans while watching them and came up with metaemtions- "an organized and structured set of emotions and cognitions about the emotions, both one 's own emotions and the emotions of others". We tend to feel the pain of others while they experience it or go into descriptive detail of it. For example, “the spark of the ember of the knife made it’s way down the side of her stomach as he pressed deeper and slower as he open the red burning flesh. Her agonized tears and the blood on her chest..” This gives a detailed insight in which readers could feel and visualize what is …show more content…

In this case, horror movies makes us feel secure and we have the ability to have control over what is happening. In reality, no one can control the time, or weather, or whether we live or die, but, “we want to experience these frightening things in a way that we still have some control over it,” stated Andrew Weaver. This also creates a the “cuddle effect” because males like to be in control and give security during a horror movie to a female. This will make a female get closer to the male when they don’t want to see a certain suspenseful

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