The Importance Of Cultural Anthropology

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Why studying cultural anthropology matter?
Cultural anthropology known as the comparative study of human societies and cultures and their development. Cultural anthropology is also known as the study of human cultures, their beliefs, practices, values, ideas, technologies, economies and other domains of social and cognitive organization. Cultural anthropology studies how human cultures are shaped or shape the world around them and it focus a lot on the differences between every person. Human societies has been culturally involved throughout generations because of human development and advanced. The goal of a cultural anthropology is to teach us about another culture by collecting data about how the world economy and political practices effect the new culture that is being studied. However, cultural anthropology has gave us a understanding of world affairs and world problems, the way to interpret the meaning of social actions by putting them in as much context as possible, and a deeper insight of humankind-at all times, in all places and of yourself as part of a culture.
Cultural anthropology has gave us a better understanding of world affairs and world problems, because it studies the way people think and do things differently. One of the …show more content…

However, cultural anthropology has gave us a understanding of world affairs and problems, the way to interpret the meaning of social actions by putting them in as much context as possible, and a deeper insight of humankind-at all times, in all places and of yourself as part of a culture. As my brother say that "Fingers are different as well as people are." because the way people act, do things and behave are completely different according to their cultures. So, cultural anthropology teaches us human thought and behavior which applies to people around us and other

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