Why Stalin Was Able to Hold on to Power in the Soviet Union

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Why Stalin Was Able to Hold on to Power in the Soviet Union Stalin was ruthless in order to stay in power, there are many reasons that helped him hold on to his position. Through the Purges Stalin was able to eliminate or clear out all opposition within the party. Anyone who threatened his position, or disagreed with some of his policies, was purged. They were purged in great Show Trails, in order for the Stalin to have a motive for punishing them. They would be forced to confess false crimes, such as plotting against Stalin. For example Zionviev and Kamenev were put on trail for plotting to kill Stalin and even Lenin. This was obviously untrue but they confessed to this and were executed. This clearing out of the Communist party greatly helped Stalin stay in power, this is because it simply left no opposition to oppose him and threaten his position. But party members weren't the only group to get purged, in fact absolutely no one in Russia could escape the prospect of being purged. The public was purged in order to create an atmosphere of terror within Russia. No one smart enough would dare say or do anything remotely against Stalin under risk of being sent to a prison camp or executed. Purging the people helped Stalin because all Russians knew the risks of being against Stalin, preventing any kind of public dislike let alone another Revolution. To make the purges successful Stalin had the help of his NKVD (secret police). They created an atmosphere of fear and crushed opposition. They were responsible for accusing the people of crimes against Stalin in order to purge them. They encouraged everyone to denounce ot... ... middle of paper ... ...levant, because they all helped each other. For example, propaganda may not have been so successful without Stalin's Economic Policies, because they were Stalin's greatest achievement and were one of the main focuses of propaganda. But more importantly the purges and show trails may not have been so successful without the secret police and the propaganda. The secret police undertook the job of interrogating and threatening those on trail for being purged, without them the Show Trails would not be in Stalin's favor. The propaganda helped the purges by encouraging Russian's to denounce traitors, it helped the show trails by portraying those on trail as evil traitors. So to conclude it is obvious that all reasons were important, but the Purges were vital in helping Stalin stay in power, because they eradicated opposition.

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