Why Sources Show Different Attitudes

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Why Sources Show Different Attitudes

There are a number of reasons why sources shows different attitudes.

These may be related to the author of the source, when it was

produced, and the purpose that the source has.

Source A is a photograph of evacuees walking to a train station in

London, ready to be evacuated. The author of the source is unknown. It

was taken in September 1939, which is at the start of the war and when

people were first evacuated out of the cities to the countryside,

where they would be safer. It gives a positive attitude about the war

.This photograph illustrates most of the children looking excited and

happy as they are waving to the camera and smiling. Like in many

cases, the children in the photograph probably didn't know exactly why

they are being evacuated, and that is why they don't look upset. The

children are not walking with their parents, some of them are on their

own, probably because they have already been split up from their

parents. Some children in the picture are accompanied by an adult who

could be a parent or a minder. The picture displays that they are

accompanied by what could be a teacher as she is leading them on and

may be keeping them on the pavement; teachers were seen as a valuable

asset and so were also evacuated to the countryside and accompanied

the children. In the photograph the children are wearing tags and are

carrying gas masks, which are necessities which they would require

when being evacuated, and also some personal belongings. There is a

man in the foreground of the photograph who is wearing a suit and tie

and a hat. He may be an official from the government overseeing the


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...ason why it was published.

In conclusion, Sources A to F show that all the authors had different

opinions of evacuation depending on their position and views on it. As

all the sources and authors are different, they are likely to show

different attitudes, with varying degrees of positive and negative in

the sources. However, these sources only represent a small proportion

of the people that were involved in evacuation, and their views.

Essentially, evacuation was different for everyone, and this is

portrayed in the broad spread of attitudes in the 6 sources stated

above. The people that were evacuated are likely to have their

opinions of evacuation influenced by the host families that they

stayed with. We can also see from these sources that attitudes differ

depending on whether you were a child or adult at the time.

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