Why Is Standardized Testing And Accountability

1744 Words4 Pages

Cyre Clark
English 3
Mr. Tiller

Standardized Testing and Accountability

Put yourself in a high school students shoes. Your main focal points are to do well in school, get good grades, learn new things, make memories, and to have fun. Though many schools place a fun and constructive learning environment over a stressful test based environment, some do not. Schools have made standardized testing their main focus instead of teaching students other equally important skills. ( ProCon. "Standardized Tests - ProCon.org.) Many schools are so focused with test scores that they change their curriculum to include a large amount of test preparation. (ProCon. "Standardized Tests - ProCon.org.) Most schools across America rely heavily on ineffective overuse of standardized testing. The test can be very helpful, but not in intense and stressful situations. (Ravitch.151) Some schools place too much responsibility and accountability on the teachers and educators. (Ravitch.154 ) Critics would argue that certain standardized tests do not meet the qualifications necessary to judge the progress of a student or a teacher. (Ravitch.152 ) Not only is testing used to evaluate a student, but also teacher achievement. (ProCon. "Standardized Tests - ProCon.org.) Holding educators accountable for test scores places an unfair amount of stress on all parties involved, as well as inducing a difficult working atmosphere. (Brill, Allie. "Standardized Testing Leads To Unnecessary Stress On Students, Teachers.") Standardized testing generally imposes harsh consequences that bring many different problems, which often lead to dishonesty and a narrow perception of education from students and educators. (Gatt, Jeneba. "Atlanta's cheating ways: S...

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...ation. Standardized tests are estimates that should not be so heavily weighted.
Educators should never be held completely accountable for student scores on standardized tests. Though these tests were made to evaluate a students rough estimation of skill, they were not made to evaluate their entire education. Teachers should not be completely held accountable for test scores either. These scores hold too much power over schools and educators. Failure on a standardized test should mean “improvement needed”, not “you should just give up!”. These tests create anxiety caused by the consequences surrounding them. Giving American students a well-balanced education should be the school systems main goal in order to ensure America’s future economic success. Standardized tests are okay to use as rough estimates, but not for a total evaluation of any person’s ability.

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