Why Is Harold Grange Important

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Harold Edward Grange “I could carry a football well, but I’ve met hundreds of people who could do their thing better than I. I mean engineers, and writers, scientists, doctors— whatever. I can’t take much credit for what I did. You can teach a man how to block or tackle or kick or pass. The ability to run with a ball is something you have or you haven’t. If you can’t explain it, how can you take any credit for it?” Harold Grange is basically saying that he doesn’t think that playing football is such a big deal. There are other people who do their job better but don’t get the fame they deserve. Harold Edward Grange was an important figure in 1920s American History because he influenced people, especially children, to enjoy the sport of football. …show more content…

Harold Grange was born in 1903. Harold Grange grew up in Wheaton, Illinois. He died when he was 88 in 1991. His parents were Sadie Grange and Lyle Grange. Harold Grange went to the University of Illinois. He was an outstanding football player and just kept cruising his entire year. Harold Grange was recruited by Bob Zuppke, who was the best coach in college. Bob was just so shocked how good of a playmaker Harold was in high school. For example, Harold Grange averaged five touchdowns a game in high school. Harold Grange was just shocking everyone of how good his talent

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