Why Is College A Waste Of Time

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There are also well paying jobs that do not require a college degree, resulting in the money motivation not yielding the decision that everyone should go to college, especially the way college costs. There is also the entity of job contentment and satisfaction. There are people who would rather esire jobs that lack a college degree, but some of these jobs do require a great deal of skill, discipline and intelligence, they should not be looked down on as inferior or lesser to the jobs that do require a college degree. After all, society with college degrees seem to also need the people with jobs that did not go to college. Thus be automatically better citizens than people with only high school degrees. “Three decades ago, full-time workers with a bachelor's degree made 40% msde more than those with only a high school diploma. Last year, the gap reached 83%. College graduates, though hardly immune from the downturn, are also far less likely to be unemployed than non-graduates” (Leonhardt). …show more content…

For many people, college is a waste of time and money to them. Too many people go to college just because they were taught to believe college is for everyone and happiness and wealth will only depend on a college degree. People also can clearly undergo personal advancement and determine a great deal without a college degree. A person can be well educated without having a formal university degree. While others like Crawford say that it is not Ideal for an eighteen year old to go straight off to college without thinking about what they want to do for a career. Although many of my friends are going to college, I also have many friends who do not want to attend college or just give up just because of the dept. However, they are generally

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