Negative Impact Of Immigration

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“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest- tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door,” Americas statue of liberty, also known as lady liberty, has this inscribed at the bottom. It screams of a want for people to immigrate to America. With one of the most prominent symbols of America stating that, at the bottom, immigrants should be a priority and be seen as a positive addition to society, right? Today, there is a large debate on immigrants and their contributions to society as a whole. Many Americans believe that America is profiting from immigrants based on their economic contributions to society as a whole; others argue that …show more content…

So those who are American born and rely on these low paying and low skilled jobs to feed their families and make it through everyday life are left struggling to take care of their responsibilities and over stretch themselves, taking on other jobs to fill in the gap that is created by immigrants. Also, George J. Borjas states that after polling immigrants who come into the the nation for various reasons, specifically education in the form of foreign exchange students, and found that “newly minted doctorates if they intend “to live, work or study in the United States or a foreign country after receiving the doctorate,”. The data indicate that 70.9 percent of the foreign-born doctorates intend to remain in the United States,”(Davidson, …show more content…

Borjas states that after polling immigrants who come into the the nation for various reasons, specifically education in the form of foreign exchange students, and found that “newly minted doctorates if they intend “to live, work or study in the United States or a foreign country after receiving the doctorate.” The data indicate that 70.9 percent of the foreign-born doctorates intend to remain in the United States,”(Borjas, 2005). This shows that even though they may be foreign exchange students, they still end up staying in america. These students, and soon to be workers in america, will be adding a large amount of workers to the working pool. They, like immigrants who will stay here and immigrants who are here undocumented- and will probably never leave unless found without papers or reported by some one and do not have an employer who will request from the government a workers visa for these people- compete with natural born citizens for jobs that all groups are qualified to have as

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