Why Hitler Became Chancellor in 1933

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Why Hitler Became Chancellor in 1933

When Germany was blamed by the Allies that they were responsible for

the starting/ causing the Great War, they made up the conclusion that

Germany had to sign the Treaty of Versailles in an unconditional

surrender. In one of the conditions was that Germany would have to pay

the compensation fee for the other countries (especially France) but

Germany was already in a situation that was a mess. The German

Government did not have enough money to pay the compensation fee and

it printed more so the economy went straight down into the bottom of

the valley. The allies came up of a solution that the United States

banks lent Germany money to pay the compensation fee of the result of

losing World War I. The economy went better. People were not out of

jobs and they have the ability to spend money. Then, the Wall Street

Crash immediately effected Germany. There was a period that the

economy of United States went high and people kept buying stocks and

shares of different companies. When the businessmen sold out all their

stocks and shares, the economy line of Untied States declined. The

bubble economy of United States bursts. The Wall Street Crash hit

Germany particularly badly because the loans that were lent to Germany

were recalled in. The loans that were called in were particularly the

lifeblood of Germany industry. Once again, Germany went into the

situation that was a mess. Banks closed, businesses had to close and

millions of people lost their jobs. When Hitler was the leader of the

Nazi party, he saw that the people were more interested at his

messages when the economy was not that good.

People were starting to blame the Weimar government and the centre

parties. The Depression weakens the Weimar Republic because there are

three main reasons. The unpopular economic policies, presidential rule

and the rise of extremist made the people loose its trust towards the

Weimar Republic.

Germans had judged their country’s success by its economy and if the

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