Why Great Societies Fall

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“All that is necessary for evil to succeed, is that good men do nothing.” Is the main reason why societies are falling, the people don’t try to do anything to stop the evil leaders. Great civilizations in books, movies, and real life have been failing for years and still are. These civilizations are failing because of the leaders actions such as, corrupt leaders, the leader wasting their money, and leaders killing off their own people causing rebellions. People wonder why societies are falling, and the main reasons are because of corrupt leaders, wasting their societies money, and killing off people.

The first reason why societies have been and still are is because of the corrupt leaders all of the world. There have been and still are many corrupt leaders. One corrupt leader was Hitler the leader of Germany. He was unfair with Jews because he felt they were another race and killed them. “Exact numbers never will be known, but an estimated eleven million people died between 1933 and 1945 as a direct result of the Holocaust. because of Hitler”(National Park Service). He burned and tortured many jew with gases and kept many in isolate villages waiting for their death to come one day. He even killed children “Over 1 million children died during the holocaust”(Rosenberg Online) Those characteristics making him one of the most corrupt leaders in history. Another unfair leader from the past are the patricians leaders of Rome. They were bad leaders because they were very unfair with the plebeians rights just because plebeians were poor. The patricians were in charge so they didn’t allow the plebeians vote on things, “They could not be priests or government officials.They had little voice in the government. Yet they still were forced ...

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