Why Does The New Testament Contain Some Books?

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Why does the New Testament contain some books, but not others? Why do we have Timothy, but not the likes of Judas? What makes Ezra worthy but not Judith, Tobit or the Maccabees? There have been a variety of answers to this question proposed by laymen. Not all of them possessing merit. Perhaps some can recall the story in which some Christians claimed that at the First Council of Nicaea they took all the books they had and set them upon a table. In some renditions the books that fell off where not included and in others renditions they closed the door and the gospel magically appeared on the table while the others vanished. Neither of these accounts are of course accurate. In this paper we’ll have an examination of the real history, if not brief, of the New Testament Canon.
Who Needs Canon? …show more content…

To being with a canon is not a cannon , a small little note, but the frequency in which one is misspelt for the other is surprisingly common. With that out of the way we can tackle more serious misconceptions; the use of Canon did not originate from Christianity. The early church had the Jewish Old Testament in the form of the Septuagint as a model. For example you will not find the book of Enoch in many Torah . Additionally as just how earlier it was stated that the founding of the canon wasn’t wholly in the divine, it was neither wholly done by man and man alone. It was not done in an arbitrary fashion like you or I would choose our favorite movies. For the early Church fathers the books included in the canon were required to possess and pass a certain criteria; Inspiration, Authority, church usage, and the Rule of

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