Why Did So Many Jamestown Settlers Die Analysis

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Many Jamestown Settlers Died Jamestown early 1600s and everyone’s dying so they keep sending more and more people and more and more people keep dying. The english settlers settled in Jamestown, Virginia Chesapeake Bay in the early 1600’s to trade and get gold. Some of the deaths of the colonists were due to the Brackish waters, poor settler skills, and Native Americans
. The water and amount of rainfall was one reason why many people died in Jamestown. They were having serious droughts how the archeologist know this is that the rings in trees are smaller when they have a drought (DocB) so without rainfall the land was dying so they couldn’t grow any crops. Also, the water was very dirty and festered, because they dumped their wastes into the river then, the tide would bring it out then bring it back into them and they would use the water, so they would get diseases from drinking the water (DocA). Another reason is they got salt water poisoning from drinking the river water, because the salt water from the ocean the mixed in with there water making it brackish, so it would end up poisoning them(DocM). The water was a reason why many of them died. …show more content…

They had more than half of the settlers who were gentlemen or aristocrats and they didn’t do any work at the fort(DocC) so, that started to impact the lives of the colonists. A lot of people that they sent to Jamestown had no occupations at all so that makes even more people who do no work there (DocC) which sends them downhill even more. They had workers who didn’t have very important jobs like making wigs, Taylor’s and Jeweler’s. they could have sent more Carpenters and Labourers(DocC). With all of the people with useless jobs it affected them

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