Why Did Harry Truman Deal With The Cold War

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Harry S. Truman was the 33rd president of the United States. Many things happened during the two terms of his presidency. He had to deal with the Soviet Union, he created the Truman Doctrine, and there was a Korean War. Truman needed to contain the Soviet Union and the Truman Doctrine helped aid countries against communism. Though he did not lead the US to victory in the Korean War a cease fire agreement was created. So how did Harry Truman deal with the Cold War during his presidency? The United States had many conflicts with the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Truman tried to keep cooperation with the Soviets but the proved to not go well for several reasons. Winston Churchill addressed Westminster College on March 5, 1949. From Stettin …show more content…

An aide from the US government sent information telling the Soviet government bringing attention to the fact that North Korea invaded the Republic of Korea in force. The Soviets reply stated that the fact was the attack was provoked by an attack from South Korea and states that the responsibility is not with them but the South Korean authorities and their allies. They go on to state that they have already taken their troops from North Korea and is sticking with the principle of noninterference. During a meeting of Congressional leaders Truman shared what he planned to do to deal with the troubles in Korea. He authorized the Air Force to conduct missions on specific military targets and ordered a naval blockade of the entire Korean coast. The war went on for two years and ended in a cease fire agreement that was signed on July 1953. In conclusion, Harry Truman did many things to help during the Cold War. He set up a program to find Soviet spies in the US government. The Truman Doctrine was created to help countries fighting communism. During the Korean war, he sent help to South Korea to save them from being taken over by communists. So many things happened during the Cold War and Truman may not have been the most popular person after it was all over but he did what he had to do to help not only his country but others as

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