Lack Of Manhood In The Petrified Man

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Where are all the southern gentlemen?

In Eudora Welty’s Petrified Man, there is a huge lack of the stereotypical strong “southern gentlemen.” This story, set in 1939 Mississippi, follows Leota and Mrs. Fletcher through two beauty shop appointments, where the two ladies discuss, in detail, the people around them. Fred, Leota’s husband, and Mr. Fletcher’s, Mrs. Fletcher husband, are spoken of almost like second class citizens and the other men, Mr. Pike and Mr. Petrie do not fare much better from these ladies’ discussion. The men in this story are a shadow of what a “southern gentleman” should be, and why do these ladies put up with their lack of manhood and laziness and lack of manhood? Ever action the men take in this story is led by the women, and all the men seemed to be as “petrified” as the real Petrified Man.
When thinking about men in the 1930, even during the grips of the Great Depression, they were still doing everything possible to help support their families. Why are these men in the story so different, do the not have any honor or pride, where is their manhood? What makes a southern gentleman? Most can agree the criteria include; financially security, …show more content…

Pike and Fred do not work, and as the story continues, they are talked about as being lazy. Leota tells Mrs. Fletcher, “All Fred does is lay around the house like a rug. I wouldn’t be surprised if he woke up some day and couldn’t move” (Welty 374). Leota compares Fred to the Petrified Man, but at least the Petrified Man, with his “medical condition” still moves “quarter of an inch”(Welty 374), Fred is able-bodied yet he seems to have less energy or motivation than the man who cannot move. Mr. Pike seems to only marry Mrs. Pike because she comes from money, seemly so that Mr. Pike does not have to work, a kept man, if you will. Mr. Pike and Fred even go fishing while taking Mrs. Pike’s car rather than his own. These men appear completely useless, almost standing still,

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