What´s The Cause Of Inflammation?

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Inflammation is a component of the normal host defence mechanism that provides protection from infection and other insults. The inflammatory response involves interactions amongst many cell types and the production of a number of chemical mediators. These mediators are damaging to pathogens but may also cause damage to host tissues. However, the inflammatory response is normally well regulated and resolves rapidly due to the activation of negative feedback mechanisms (e.g. secretion of anti‐inflammatory cytokines or resolving lipid mediators), the inhibition of pro‐inflammatory signaling cascades, the shedding of receptors for inflammatory mediators and the activation of regulatory cells. Nevertheless, loss of the usual regulatory processes can result in excessive or on‐going inflammation that can cause irreparable damage to host tissues. As a result disease can occur. …show more content…

Acute inflammation is the initial response of the body to harmful stimuli and is characterized by the increased movement of plasma and leucocytes (especially granulocytes) from the blood into the injured tissues. A cascade of biochemical events prolong and mature the inflammatory response. Typically acute inflammation resolves within a period of hours to days. If it is prolonged, it is termed chronic inflammation and this may last for years. Chronic inflammation involves a progressive shift in the type of cells present at the site of inflammation and is characterized by simultaneous destruction and healing of the tissue by the on‐going inflammatory process; although the result may be pathological indicating that the destruction predominates over the

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