What is Encryption?

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What is encryption? Encryption is used all around us and we depend on it so very much without even noticing it. Cryptography (encryption) is the computer science field of hiding information. It tries to hide (encrypt) the information so that if anyone who isn’t supposed to get access to the hidden, encrypted, data cannot rebuild, decrypt, the message to get the original information. The encryption engine will encrypt it in such a way that you can’t recognise the original message. With the right key, that was decided on before encrypting the data and the right decryption engine, which would be the inverse method of the method that was used to encrypt the message the original message can be retrieved. Cryptography was made many centuries ago long before computers were around. It was originally created for military use. Cryptography remained something mainly for the military for quite long. Up until a century ago it was pretty much only the military that used and only in the last 20 to 30 years has it become a lot more mainstream. Now we use it everywhere; in ATM cards, on online shopping websites, in game consoles, for sending/receiving copyrighted music and film and many more applications. This is all possible because of the rise of the computer and how much the processing power has increased. Even though we have so much computing power we are still leaving so much unencrypted which is a problem.
Why is encrypting such an issue?
If we don’t have encryption then we have no privacy. At least not for your data. It’s all 1′s and 0′s but it isn’t very hard to see the data it represents if it’s not encrypted when it gets intercepted. And there are thousands of ways to intercept data, and here are a few of them:
• Internet is probably t...

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...it will add the remaining character to the string on the left. Both strings will then be inverted i.e. first character becomes last character, second character becomes second last character etc. The two strings would then be merged and put back together. Every second character will then swap. Then finally A will become Z, B will come Y, C will become X etc. Each number will be multiplied by a random number from 1 to 10. Then number used to multiply will be added to the encryption message and the number 0 will be added if there were no numbers in the message.
Acceptance test:
1. Program takes in message as input.
2. Split in half into 2 strings.
3. Both strings are inverted.
4. Both stings are put back together.
5. Every second character will then swap.
6. Each letter will be given their inverse letter and numbers will be multiplied by a random number from 1 to 10.

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