What are positive and negative impacts of social networking sites on social life?

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Social Networking is one of the major part of people’s life. People spend much time to surf in internet, especially in social networking sites. Somebody spend many hours per day. However, not all of them know about impacts that affected on their health, education. Moreover, it influences how companies and small businesses advertise, to communication between friends. This essay is about benefits and drawbacks of social networks on social life. Social Networks help people find friends and solve problems, also the have chance to connect quickly and effectively. Many years ago, when we were not having social networks, it was difficult for people to communicate with each other. However, when people created the social networking, the whole idea about friendship changed once more and forever. People can find friends from diversity countries and get information about the whole world. They cannot be friends, who you did not meet after, but they are friends nevertheless and you communicate them as with your friends, who you meet every day. Humans can talk about themselves many things in Social Networks. For example: achievements, downs, problems. Other people who connect with them may help. As well as friends may have gone through same ordeals. In addition, many people do not like to call using phones, because it requires silly conversations. Humans can not just say what they want to say and hang up the phone. It looks rough. Instead, people should firstly speak kindly and then proceed to the case. Site of social contacts Badoo conducted a statistical survey data were obtained, which, in fact, surprised, and disappointed. The study has questioned more than 6 000 people in the US, UK and Germany. Most of the respondents agreed that socia... ... middle of paper ... ...is time in social networks, have limited her Internet access. In the family immediately broke a major scandal, but defend the point of view of schoolgirls and did not work. Without access to the life seemed to 12-year-old girl is not sweet, and she jumped from a window of the apartment located on the 8th floor. Save the child failed. (Privalov) Social Networks have negative impacts on education. Students communicate with friends, visit many groups, and watch films and so on. As a result they do not do homework, do not prepare for subjects. When homework is not done on time students begin to get bad grades. Students begin to get stressed. It has bad conditions on psychology, and influence on real life of students. For example: from author’s questionnaire, the 35% of respondents answered that it prevents on their education. As a result, their education becomes bad.

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