What about Cloning?

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What about Cloning?


1. If you can clone the vital organs of a human body, they can then be used as a backup if a body organ were to fail.

2. Cloning in humans can help infertility. Cloning may also make it possible to reproduce certain traits or qualities in human beings.

3. Cloning may also help fight genetic diseases by helping researchers understand the composition of genes.

4. We can also obtain customized organisms by cloning, which will help the health benefits of society.

5. Cloning can enable the genetic alteration of animals and plants.


1. Cloning is a process that can lessen the diversity of genes .

2. Cloning might cause more malpractices (are you sure you want to use this word or perhaps malpractice suits instead??) in society by causing reproduction of undesirable traits.

3. The potential technical and economic barriers that cloning will have on society. Will cloning be cost-effective and will it reach the common man?

4. Is cloning moral and ethical? Will it devalue mankind?

5. Is it risk-free to emulate God?

There are three different types of cloning. The first way involves using specialized DNA to produce multiple, exact copies, of a single gene. The next type of cloning is the natural process of cell division, which makes many copies of an entire cell. Lastly, the third type of cloning produces complete, genetically identical animals. Many different types of animals have been cloned thus far. Just to name a few, there have been: cats, dogs, pigs, sheep, tadpoles, and even fruit flies. Not to mention, we have been cloning plants for decades as well; this process is known as "vegetative propagation." We have not cloned human beings so far, but it may be possible in t...

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... only available to the very wealthy. This type of experimental reproduction would not be available to mainstream society.(Only 3 sentences- need to add one more.)

In conclusion, there are many reasons why I don't believe cloning will be an everyday practice in the future. The cost of cloning animals is so high that scientists do not want to spend money to clone an animal for food. They will however, clone an animal for breeding and use the offspring for food. The moral issue of cloning is, in my opinion, the biggest one. Do we have the right to play God? I understand the usefulness of cloning plants for food usage but I strongly do not believe that we have the right of creation in cloning humans. This argument will obviously become a larger issue as the process of cloning gets perfected.

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