Analysis Of Brandon Cooke's Article: Ethics And Fictive Imagining

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What would you do if you won the lottery? Where is your ideal vacation? If you could meet one person, who would it be? Everyone imagines at some point in their life. These are just some of the many questions we get asked and in order to answer it, we have to imagine. What if someone asked if this is ethical, how could it not be ethical? There seems to be no harm done. It is a question that you may have never ever heard of, or never even thought of. On the other hand what if someone were to ask who would your ideal spouse be? Or if you have ever imagined fictional states of affairs? Now you may understand why some imagining is deemed unethical. Brandon Cooke wrote an article called, Ethics and Fictive Imagining. In this article he talks about why it is unethical to imagine fictively. To help clarify why Cooke deems this unethical he covers a few main ideas, some of which is from the help of other people. They are as follows; imagination, fiction, Smuts, Gaut, truth in fiction, and finally imagining and fictively imagining. Some of the points you may agree with, while others you may not. Your imagination is quite a unique thing. It is capable of well, anything. We imagine more often than we …show more content…

I also like how Cooke took into consideration people with mental disorders. For example, people with schizophrenia. Since schizophrenic people have no control over their visual imagination they are not candidates for having so called unethical images. It would be unethical for somebody to say they are candidates for such thing. The only part that is not mentioned in Cooke’s introduction section that I think is worth mentioning is the fact that even though you are not schizophrenic you may still have images that you have no control over and you think to yourself afterwards why would I think of such thing? Not even we can always control our

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