What Were Thomas Jefferson's Major Accomplishments

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Thomas Jefferson was one of the most prominent figures in his time, for he helped build the United States government to what it is today. In 1782, six years after the Declaration of Independence which he co-wrote, Jefferson wrote Notes on the State of Virginia. In there he explains “some of the most important reasons why emancipation never received serious consideration in southern legislatures”. Although Jefferson was an advocate of “individual liberty, he was also a slaveowner”, but believes that slavery is not right. The first idea proposed is to “emancipate all slaves born after the passing act”. This means that all slaves that were born after the act will live with their parents until “the females should be eighteen, and the males …show more content…

Throughout his life he made many accomplishments that helped build this country to what it is today. Some of his most notable accomplishment was writing the Declaration of Independence and being the third president of the United States. Before all of that, Jefferson got his start as a lawyer in Virginia. He graduated the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg in 1762, and it wasn’t until 1767 where “he began working as a lawyer”. Almost a decade later, the American Revolution began, which was between the Americans and the British. This was a significant part of America’s history and also Jefferson’s. He was among the selected delegates in the Second Continental Congress, where they strategized ways to become independent from the British. Eventually they won the war and Jefferson began drafting the Declaration of Independence along with John Adams and others. Once it was complete, they signed and July fourth became the day where America was freed from British rule. In 1801 Jefferson was elected president on his second attempt for the office. After Jefferson’s presidency he continued to work. He “spent his post-presidential years at Monticello” and “helped found the University of Virginia”. At 83 years old Jefferson passed away on July 4, 1826, on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of

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