What Was The Cause Of Rome's Second Punic War?

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“The Second Punic war started due to the growing rivalry between two great powers that were now struggling for supremacy in the western Mediterranean.” (Morey, 2010, chapter XV) Those two great powers being Spain and Rome. As the Carthaginian dominion grew in Spain, Rome became worried as the territory of her rival was expanding North. Basically, Rome tried to bargain with Carthage (which was in Spain) and the Greek city of Saguntum. When Hamilcar died, his son Hannibal took over and expressed his hostility to Rome, which he’s had since boy hood. (Morey, 2010, chapter XV) After Rome sent an embassy to Carthage to demand the surrender of Hannibal, the chief Roman offered Hannibal peace or war and he chose war. The war began and Rome found herself …show more content…

The fortunes of war began to turn in favor of the Romans and Hannibal gave up. This left the city of Capua open for the Roman’s taking. They took over the city, executed the chief citizens for treason and enslaved some of the citizens. Hasdrubal came to the rescue to help his brother in Italy, however, the Roman’s knew that they must eliminate Hasdrubal before Hannibal found out he was there. The Roman army marched to Umbria to take Hasdrubal out. “The battle which took place at the Metaurus was decisive; and really determined the issue of the second Punic war.” (Morey, 2010, Chapter XV) The march to Umbria resulted in the death of Hasdrubal and the message was relayed to Hannibal with the Roman’s throwing his dead brother’s head into Hannibal’s Carthaginian camp. Hannibal then retired giving Rome its first victory since the beginning of the war. Publius Cornelius Scipio was able to defeat his enemy’s armies, regain the entire peninsula bring Spain under the power of Rome. Hannibal ended up retreating to Africa and Rome was no longer threatened by her enemy whom brought her close to complete ruin. Scipio went face to face with Hannibal in Africa. Hannibal was defeated, the Carthaginian army was

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