What Role Did Abigail Williams Play In The Salem Witch Trials

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Reverend Samuel Parris, Elizabeth “Betty” Parris, and Abigail Williams all played a key role in the Salem witch hunts. These three people had both accused innocents of being witches and helped testify against them in court. Paris was a Minister in Salem village at the time. He was the the father of the Elizabeth Parris and the uncle of Abigail Williams. Elizabeth was nine at the time, and Abigail was eleven. These girls were the first two people known to be afflicted by witchcraft in Salem. Reverend Parris first arrived in Salem after partaking in unsuccessful merchant and plantation work. He brought his slave Tituba along with him. He then became minister of Salem Church after negotiations of ownings and salary. Reverend Parris was given firewood, land, and a barn. He was the first official ordained minister in Salem, known for having traditional practices. …show more content…

The non-formalized contract stated Parris only owns the land because he is a minister; he doesn’t actually own it. He was later refused to be given firewood, and he then focused on writing about how the village had a conspiracy against him and the Church. He blamed those things and the people who would not fit to his needs on the work on the Devil. He thought he was much more superior than anyone else. During the trials, he submitted many legal complaints about the girls sufferings, serving as a witness to many trials. He used names and accused people of unevidenced actions, pushing them into being accused as a witch. He was eventually fired from discontempt from the village, forced to leave Salem. He moved to another town, becoming a

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