What Motivates Murdresses to Kill

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Serial Killer do not act on impulse. They are extremely organized and meticulously plan well thought out in order for them to commit their vicious crimes time and time again, as well as cover up all evidence for their actions. Serial killers, either male or female, are not born killers, they are made killers. For hundreds of years researchers have tried to understand how serial killers think. Researchers have narrowed down to three reason as to why they do the things they do. The first is socioeconomic factors, the second is biological factors, and the last is simply by individual choice. The truth is so so simple, but at the same time so puzzling. Researchers have even tried to see if there are any chromosome patterns to determine if it is in the genes. Researchers have analized that serial killers have a certain way or writing, of walking and of talking. Researchers try to make serial killers seem not human, make them appear from another world, making them look like bad guys. But no data has been found to confirm this in all cases. Serial killers can be anyone from a librarian to a nurse to even a police officer. The one thing thats most serial killers do have in common is their childhood. Most serial killers had a disastrous up brining, liked to play with fire (arson), liked to torture family pets (animal cruelty) and pied their beds at a very old age. In my research paper I will explain what motivates most murderesses to kill. I will talk about the difference between a murderer(male) and a murderess (being a female). I will talk about the different motives between a male and a female, I will elaborate the classifications and its vast categories. The term “serial killer” was invented in the late 1970's by “Robert K. Ressle... ... middle of paper ... ...ple are going to kill, they will. A very famous unknown serial killers said that “No handcuffs are strong enough to stop me from killing”. If they are out free in society they will kill, if they are locked up in a jail cell they will kill prison guards or other inmates. The only clear solution to all this “Serial Killer Fuzz” is to stop trying to make them appear mentally ill and give them the Death Penalty Sentence. Like the old saying goes “An Eye for An Eye, A Tooth For A Tooth”. In conclusion, females do not fit the stereo-typical profile, but once they begin to kill, they kill over a greater amount of time and frequently go undetected longer. Compared to males, females kill more than 30 individuals throughout their lifetime, that is 80% more than males homicides. Motivation largely depends from person to person. There is no “answer to this” but multiple ones.

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