What It Means To Be Thankful

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To be thankful means to express gratitude. We all have a reason to be thankful for everything we have. Our family, friends, and country are all so important to us, but to be living in a good country and around the people we love is priceless. The three things I am thankful for is my safety, the music I listen to, and the love I receive everyday.

Safety is always important everywhere you go. You never know if someone is a criminal or not. I am so thankful to be protected everyday and away from harm. Terror and harm are the two things, in my opinion, that keep you from enjoying hobbies, events, or just simply going outdoors. We should all be thankful to go and do all these things whenever we want.

Another thing I am thankful for is the beauty of music. Music is like our one getaway from stress or maybe just enjoying yourself. It has influenced the world and inspired many people with passion to make their own beats. Music is a beauty that can be expressed into many different genres. There are many reasons to be thankful for such an elegant creation. …show more content…

The most complicated feeling you receive when you know someone has influenced you greatly. It causes you to make great or little sacrifices for one another, which shows that you care for each other. If we never felt the feeling of love, things would be completely different than they are now. In my opinion, this simple feeling keeps everything in balance.

In conclusion, the three things I am thankful for is my safety, music, and love. I am thankful for everything but these three topics stood out to me for one specific reason, they have influenced me and the world as well. They are all significant to me and have deep meaning, which is why I am thankful for

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