What Is The Theme Of Wisdom In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Would you be the same person you are today if you had lost innocence and realized harsh realities at the age of nine? In this book, a young child takes a big step forward to understanding the denotation of life and words of wisdom. Her perspective on adult events might as well shock you, despite to the depth and knowledge of her thoughts. The award winning novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is remarkable for those who want a heart-warming classic story that would go along with a cup of bittersweet, dark roasted coffee. Thus this novel is bitter and unfair, but also teaches significant life lessons. It is held in Alabama in the 1930’s; when The Great Depression took place and racism was considered obvious. This unforgettable story is …show more content…

Scout learns valuable lessons from her father and respects everything that he says. Before making a judgment about anyone, Atticus tells Scout to “climb inside of [their] skin and walk around in it” (32) and teaches her that it’s “not okay to hate anybody” (246). Scout takes his words seriously and tries to supplement his quotes in suitable situations. Atticus raises his children so they have respect for everyone and his wisdom gives a huge development to Scout throughout the novel. Atticus tries his best to understand others with patience regardless to how harmful they are to him. When Bob Ewell spat on his face and threatened him, he still respected him and tried to comprehend him. Atticus directly tell his kids to “stand in Bob Ewell’s shoes a minute” and if it wasn’t him, he “had to take it out on somebody else” which is better than the “household full of children out there” (218). Even though Scout is already raised as a respectful young lady, she realizes that she is not thinking deeply enough when judging …show more content…

For example, Scout hated Miss Dubose for telling her that her father is “no better than the niggers and trash he works for" (102). Even when Scout tried to be sunnily as possible by saying “hey Mrs. Dubose”, she would receive “don’t you say hey to me, you ugly girl! You say good afternoon, Mrs. Dubose!”(99) which made Scout naturally avoid her. Scout concluded her as a wicked lady that always likes to insult others for no reason. On the week she died, Atticus explains to her that she suffered from morphine and told her how much of a great lady she was. He said she “died beholden to nothing and nobody” and was the “bravest person [he] ever knew” (112). Atticus teaches his kids about courage defining it by “when you know you are licked before you begin but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what” (112). After Scout figures why Mrs. Dubose was always insane, she feels in awe and is encouraged by her bravery. Scout judged Mrs. Dubose just by seeing what was there instead of understanding the cause of her insolence. Scout is already raised as a respectful young lady, but she realizes that she was not thinking deeply enough when judging

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