What Is The Theme Of William Wordsworth's The World Is Too Much With Us?

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As many a tree hugger might say, “Please, please save a tree today!” whilst the rich man slaves away with his third-world deforestation millions as the general populous abuse paper everyday. Maybe, for instance, a farmer might say, “Save my beautiful fields from an oil deal!” whilst the riggers have plunged deep because gas is not a luxury most can keenly keep. Lastly, a hipster might say, “take a picture because I know that island is going away!” whilst the natives attempting to find solid ground in an eroding town. These are all examples of the power in the poetry of May Sarton, Jane Hirshfield, and William Wordsworth. Although May Sarton and Jane Hirshfield are rather contemporary to William Wordsworth their poems, “December Moon”, “Tree”, and Wordsworth’s “The World Is Too Much With Us” all carry the same preceding tone when it comes to nature: the human race is not enjoying and caring for it. Sarton’s “December Moon” perfectly places the contemporary innocence in the hands of something so ordinary, snow! Sarton is very surprised when she wakes to see a once beautiful field disrupted by the human course of trucks, cars, and “wild creatures”. “December …show more content…

As the only non-contemporary writer, William Wordsworth recognizes, “Little we see in Nature that is ours…” to the likes of the other poets as well. Wordsworth is criticizing the First Industrial Revolution, unlike his counterparts, but his central idea within this poem is the gap between those admiring nature and those admiring materials is growing wider apart. His rhyme scheme is quite a difference from his free verse sisters, but he does hold his words for one sonnet. All the while, Wordsworth sings how humanity is out of tune with the powerful bond of sea and wind. Unlike the contemporary poets, he touches on how he would rather be bound to Paganism, a cryptic and ancient religion than to not be one with

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