What Is The Problems In The Juvenile Justice System?

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Introduction In the Juvenile Justice System there are many flaws that need to changed. Improving the system is definitely something Society should take into consideration. There are many holes within the juvenile systems that needs to be addressed. In this paper you would see the different options and issues that need to be addressed for a better success rate. Building more resources for families and counseling may solve many problems. The number one cause of juveniles misbehaving. Is just in the 4 Walls of the juvenile’s house. Rebuilding a family may have a better outcome to the juvenile success in the future. The first type of theory I am going to discuss the ecological theory. Ecological theory seeks to explain delinquency based on where …show more content…

He was brought in for stealing DVDs from a library. I was so confused as to why he would steal the DVDs knowing he could just check them out. He proceeded to tell me that it was in his nature. I explained to him that what he did was completely uncalled for and there was simpler solution. Detroit has over 14000 violent crimes which include rape, armed robbery, and murder. With the amount of crimes Detroit had it was named the city with the highest per- capita rate in the nation. While communicating with him I tried to explain that he is not where he comes from. The second type of theory I have instore is the strain theory. Strain theorists see delinquency as a result of a lack of opportunity, in particular of economic opportunity. Our society wants us to strive but how are we supposed to do that with the lack of financial success. Those who do not have equal opportunity are strained and consequently more likely to be a delinquent. Thirdly, I 'd like to discuss multiple social theories. Social process theories focus on the relationship between socialization and delinquency (Taylor, Fritsch, 2007, pp. 116-134). Learning theory consists of the juveniles that commit the act because they learned, the attitude, skills accurately

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