What Is The Meaning Of Symbolism In The Scarlet Letter

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When the fate of the scarlet letter encompasses the beholder, it transforms their souls into the symbolic image of Yin VS. Yang. A common Chinese symbol that displays good vs. evil. As the essence of good (Yang) exists through charitable acts, and those who live life with an open heart. Whereas, the power, and the darker side of the light (Yin) comes through as being hidden from society, and relating symbols in life to the underworld. Two opposite sides of the spectrum clashing against one another to coincide. This similar symbol arises in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, as Hawthorne introduces and transpires a significant symbol throughout the novel. This symbol known as the scarlet letter is worn by Hester Prynne, a giving person …show more content…

Upon Hester return home Mistress Hibbins startled Hester, and in response flashed her teeth, reminding herself that “[she] must tarry home, and keep watch over [her] little Pearl. Had they taken Pearl from [her], [she] would willingly have gone with [her] into the forest, and signed [her] name in the Black Man`s book too, and that with [her] own blood” giving up in the favorable side of her and conforming to the darker side (Hawthorne 110). Although Hester had no way to avoid Mistress Hibbins (associated with the devil), she might have seen this forthcoming. As if Hester knew that the scarlet letter brought evil figures into her life because of the sin she sought to bring herself, then the good inside of her might understand that she can`t run away from her past. Indeed, the past doesn 't run away, but with the scarlet letter always on Hester, no matter how many good deeds she does for the community the evil inside will always be seen. Furthermore, in the article “The Meaning of the scarlet A” by Claudia Durst Johnson, she writes about numerous different perspectives of the Scarlet A in general, and what the A means to each main character. Throughout the novel the community sees “Hester pregnancy and that she gives birth to a child who then lives by her side, another reminder besides the A of what she has done, always in full …show more content…

This incident occurs no more than in the Minister of the town. Arthur Dimmesdale has lived a lie for seven years and “no man for any considerable period can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true” man that lies within his innermost soul(Hawthorne 206). Underneath, anyone the true person lies within, good or evil. However, most people lived a lie to protect themselves from dark times, or to keep secrets to themselves. If Dimmesdale did not keep his A to himself all those years of concealment from public view, then he would face the same punishment his partner in crime faced. Which in any place in time would make the citizens of towns wonder how a good man who preaches about God works can silently act as an evil figure as well. In such that, he would willingly hide an sin from his own people, then vanished without anyone knowing, contradicting his own ways of life. Further, in the article “The Spell of the Scarlet Letter” by Samuel Chase Coale, he describes the different meanings of the scarlet letter, and makes up reasons why Hawthorne would make a novel based on the scarlet letter. The first time the scarlet letter is described “ Hawthorne reveals its gorgeous luxuriance of fancy, but its curious embroidery suggests a specimen of [Hester`s] delicate and

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